The animation group of the Articulation in Defense of the Pardo River met in Vitória da Conquista, on Thursday, 07.11.2019, the animation group of the Articulation in Defense of the Pardo River. Supporters of the Pardo were present in the municipalities of Vitória da Conquista, Cruzilhada, Cândido Sales and Ribeirão do Largo. The meeting discussed the current context of the Pardo River basin, emphasizing not only the problems, but also the ongoing preservation initiatives. Moreover, the construction of the Articulation Communication Policy continued, whose objective is to produce and disseminate social and environmental information related to the river, for which this Observatory is strategic. Finally, the group discussed actions to be taken in partnership with the Federal Public Prosecution Service regarding Rio Pardo and the Bahia State Public Prosecution Service for the Bahian tributaries of this basin.

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