Research exposes the consequences of irrigation, deforestation and monoculture plantations (coffee and eucalyptus) for the water crisis in the Vale do Rio Pardo

Research results conducted by the Center for Studies
and Social action, this report exposes, in a
Without further analysis, the results of the
Research carried out by its authors regarding the
Socio-environmental problems in the river basin
brown, especially in its average portions, in the
Southwest of Bahia, and High, in the north of Minas Gerais.
From Porto de Santa Cruz, in Cândido Sales, until it flows
In Canavieiras, the Pardo River travels 345 km in land
Bahia, from its total path of 565 km. Is it true that the
Each period, with less water. Not because of exclusive
Reduction of rainfall. But, because now your waters
Have owner, or will we say

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